Random pains

The other day I was trying to do some weight lifting and pulled a muscle. Yes, my old age is getting the better of me. Okay, I wasn’t really lifting weights but that was the first thing that came to mind when I thought about what I had done to possibly have caused myself some discomfort to my lower back. The thing that I had probably had done was moved the couch and did it in a weird way because that is the only real heavy things I had moved.

That pain went away after a few days which is great.

The downside is that over the weekend I was experiencing that same pain again because I had somehow lifted or moved in a weird way that caused the pain to return. This time around with a little extra lingering. I want to say a big part of this has also been because I just haven’t really wanted or even tried to keep up with my daily stretching.

I’ve been slipping on that front.

I haven’t had that motivation as much and it’s slowly affecting me too. I’ve been trying to get back to it but for some reason I just lay in bed. Just staring a lot of the time. The one thing that does keep me going is the basic routine of making my first coffee. And even that is slowly starting to change as well because I have been debating on getting an actual coffee maker.

The other thing that’s been a bit on hold too is my knitting. I honestly don’t even know why that’s come to a stand but it has. I bought some needles so I could begin some finger-less gloves for myself but to be completely honest I don’t know what’s actually stopping me from even starting them. I have the yarn, I have the needles; I clearly have some time but at the moment I seem to lack will.

The other thing that was turned off was my willingness to complete my keyboard projects. Okay, not entirely and that was mostly because I had been waiting for so long to get a pcb that I had a helping hand in getting produced. I will need to get a few more pieces for one more and I really hope I can get the motivation for that one. Mainly because I will get to tinker with some code when the time comes.

I also need to get around to editing some of the last round of photos from our last hiking trip. We haven’t gone hiking in quite some time either. I could say that’s also affecting me because the muscles aren’t being used as much as they once were.

So I need to get back on the wheel and do my daily stretches in my mornings.

Other projects

The last two years I’ve been knitting things here and there. Along the way I learned how to make a few things. One of the first things I did was a very simple scarf. It wasn’t super fancy or long but it was good that I was able to make it. Then I learned to make a beanie using straight needles. That was fun.

Some time later I invested in some circular needles because I wanted to learn to make a beanie in a different way. This also lent me a few other options when it came to knitting. I watched a few videos and began my random journey of knitting things. I mostly stuck to scarves because I wanted to try different patterns and different stitches.

This year I was able to complete a few finger-less gloves which was fun to make. It really was more of an experiment on how things work. Definitely learned a few things along the way while making them too. The cool part being that I learned two new stitches while making them too.

I do have a few other things I would like to make but I’ll be practicing how to size things accordingly with the next few projects.

Support things

To be honest, I don’t really remember when I began to type this out. I started with the title and then left. I was most likely doing a computer update and had to reboot then forgot about it. Went about my regular business and kept forgetting to even write the post.

So here I am looking at the screen trying to recall what it was about. I think it was because I was thinking about me posting on the WordPress support forums. I hadn’t done that in some time and it hasn’t been a priority either. This is the case the last two years as well. The thing too is that I do feel a little bad that I can’t focus on that but in all honesty, I don’t let it really get to me. Main reason is that I have the option of doing that.

It is volunteer after all.

I like to help people when I can and that’s all the support forums are. My way of helping people.

I’ll have to figure something out though because I do like to read about how things break and how some of those get solved. It’s a good mystery, and I also learn something new at times.

When the fall is all too real

Last month we went out to Lovejoy Falls out in Chico. I took my camera and managed to take some photos along the way. Some turned out better than others and that’s about right for me. I say that because I have this tendency to always try to keep the lens as clean as possible and in some of the photos there was still some dust that appeared. Oh well. It will happen.

Enjoy some of the photos I was able to capture. Most of them don’t do the trail justice and it really is one of those you may have to experience at least once.

Now, for the part that really made me laugh even more so about this trip. Because I really did trip. At the falls.


It was funny. The story behind that being that once we arrived to the post stating Lovejoy Falls I saw there was a path that led to the bottom of the falls. We, of course, had to traverse that to see and get a better look. Once we got to the little area it was really cool to see how tall the falls really were.

That was only part of it.

I snagged a few photos and when Misty turned to me and asked if I wanted a photo, I kind of looked at her and had to be me in my response.

“Like of the falls?”

I mean… I had already taken a few but I knew she meant of us together. I have this thing of always taking a photo with her in every single one of our hikes.

So, I shift just a little bit to try and get a better angle and my left foot snags a rock. Well, rather it slides and I end up slipping and falling to the ground. Gravity won that round. I get up and wipe myself off. Nothing too bad.

The thing was my left ring finger did sting though. I wasn’t sure why so I took a look.


Strange but I’ve had stranger things happen too. We look again and this time there was a small trickle of blood. That was new. So, I take a few sips from my water and try to rinse off the wound. We get it bandaged and go our merry way. The end of the hike was the slightly harder part only because it was uphill.

I do still have I think 3 more hikes to edit from but I will post those when I have some time.

Random photo dump

It’s been quite some time since I posted any updates here so I figured I would post some photos from the two of the last hiking trips. One from Muir Beach and one from Yahi Trail.

I had fun walking around and exploring nature a little bit and got to see some super neat things along the way as well. It’s one of the reasons I really like going to different places when I can. In particular nature. State parks are a good getaway for me as well. I’m looking forward to the day I get to see more of them with Sal too.

The first trip being Yahi from almost two weeks ago. We went and hiked further up the trail to essentially the end of the trail. It was really cool to see and experience that. I was able to get a few photos and I took my macro lens as well for that.

A handful of photos I was able to snag with my DSLR. I was pretty happy with the way many of them turned out too.

The most recent trip was out to Muir Beach. This was a fun one because we made our way out to Tennessee Beach for a bit. It was somewhat closed off so I only managed to take a few photos but from a distance as well. If you look at the photo you can see how high the waves really were. The wind was really high at the time too and it was fairly rainy for most of the time we were there.

The super cool part was that we saw quite a few animals along the way too. We saw several newts, some mice, a few deer, some ravens, and a few other smaller birds.

I do still have a few other photos to edit from last several hikes as well so that will be fun to get through. I’ll be posting those when I do finally get around to them.